Need a Way to Track Your Job Applications? Use This!

CS467 – Blog #2

Introducing….. Job Tracker!!!! (Name yet to be determined)

Yes, you read it correctly. A web application that helps you track all of your pending job applications and helps you get hired is currently under development!

As this project is my capstone project (and my teammates’ capstone project), we will be designing and developing a fully-fledged Job Tracker website where you can create an account, enter your jobs/internships that you are interested in applying to, track your skills to see which skills/tools you are listing the most in your applications, and you can keep track of your contacts for some next-level networking.

Tracking Jobs

I used to use a spreadsheet to keep track of all of the applications I had submitted. But this was a huge time-waster as I spent more time formatting the spreadsheet than searching for jobs!

The idea behind our website is that you can simply add a job/internship opportunity and keep track of which jobs require which skills and you can see how frequently those skills are noted within your applications.

Let’s say you found a cool job at an electric car company that rhymes with “Pesla”… You can create this job in your job tracker and perhaps mark it as, “application not started”. Based on “Pesla’s” job description, you can enter in the skills that are related to that job. If you are keeping track of multiple job opportunities, there will be (maybe) a dashboard showing you how frequently your skills are mentioned which can be an indication that you may need to brush up on certain skills over others.

When will this be released???

Drum roll please….

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

This website will be released in December of 2021!

Where can I find it???

No idea. Check back in December for a link to the website.

How YOU can help???

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Leave comments below on what features you’d like to see in this website. Who knows… maybe we will decide to implement it and your input will be made into a feature!

Or Better Yet….

Help choose the name of the website! Leave a comment below with name suggestions. They’re just suggestions… and not a public poll. Those are definitely trollable…

If you are wondering who I am and why you should or shouldn’t care… click here.

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