Week 2

This week’s experience was more challenging than last week. I am a complete beginner at blogs and while following the directions, I sometimes did not know what I was doing until looking at the finished product. I like the layout I chose and I am able to customize it to my liking. Currently, my pages are horizontal and in the vertical sidebar. Hopefully, once I figure out if the horizontal bar lists subpages, I will eliminate the redundancy. Overall I am enjoying learning the features of this blog.


Week 1

My social media usage can easily be described as passive. I have a Facebook account, but rarely make any posts, so setting up a blog has been a new experience. It is actually very similar to posting in the discussion forums for class or writing an email, although it does contain many more features and options. As we delve into the depths of our blogs, I am sure I will discover something interesting or challenging.

Email communication is something I have slightly more experience with, but with the advent of social media and new developments in cell phones, my email use has waned tremendously. I do not believe I have ever set up a signature before, and if I did, I was probably in junior high. It would have consisted of something pretty juvenile and unprofessional. Thinking about it now, I do see how it is a helpful tool in the professional world and will continue to use it after this class minus the link to this blog.

Finally, the text to speech tool is probably not a resource I will be taking advantage of again. One reason is that it will pique the interest of my two year old, and he will inevitably want to “help” me with my school work. Second, I get too distracted by the unnatural pauses and pronunciations to properly focus on the material.