Uploading Images Recap

Before this week, I had already uploaded some images to my project and was not sure how to properly cite them so I just linked them to the website where I found them. Fortunately this week explained exactly what was needed in order to post pictures. I did end up changing a couple of my pictures due to not being able to find copyright information, but I am happy with how it turned out. Using images give the project much more visual appeal and make the pages more interesting.

After looking at the gender lens project and discussion topic for next week, I am pretty excited. I get so frustrated seeing the way products, especially toys are gendered. When I was a child I did play with LEGO’s. I have two older brothers and they had huge tubs of them. My LEGO’s came in a pink bucket and were pink, purple, light blue, and white. I had one large flat piece and it was a beach. I do not remember what the people looked like, but I do know they were the same shape and size as my brothers’ but they were probably female. I just wanted to play with my brothers, but they would have nothing to do with girl LEGO’s so I either played with my LEGO’s near them, or they would let me play with pieces they did not want to play with out of their tub.

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