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I have been having a difficult time finding information about culture, statistics, and gender in Austria in late 19th-early 20th centuries. Lise Meitner was born in 1878. I first tried Answerland chat and asked about online information regarding the culture of the time period. The librarian named Iris directed me to the OSU History resources page and suggested I search JStor. I browsed through both for awhile, but was not really finding anything helpful. OSU also has a chat feature so I asked about statistics. Laurie has a contact in Germany that may be able to help, so she passed my email address on to her. I was very pleasantly surprised to be passed on to a librarian in a different country. Hopefully I get a response before Sunday. I will update when I hear from her.

The databases that I have found most helpful so far is OSU’s 1search, I have also used Encyclopedia Britannica, JStor and EBSCO. I plan on checking out some of the other resources like OSU’s newspaper database and Statista.

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