Hello everyone! This is my first blog post and because of that, I would like to tell you all a little bit about me. My name is Brian Kim and I’m a 4th-year computer science student with a web development focus. I have always had a passion for computers. It all started when I was around 6 years old and I remember my parents had a cube computer and I used to play games on it all the time. It just seemed like magic to me since I was a little boy. Fast-forward to high school, I decided to build my first pc. From the part picking to the assembly and eventually booting it up for the first time it reminded me of when I was a child and how it seemed like magic. It really piqued my interest and instantly made me want to investigate more about how it all worked. Thankfully, when researching majors as I was getting ready to go off for college, computer science was one of them and the rest as they say was history. I recently just finished my first internship at Tektronix. While there, I worked on a learning software that enabled remote control of instruments for universities’ electronics labs. It was a great experience and made me realize I could make a living off this thing that seemed like magic to me way back then. There are many projects in the senior design course that interest me. One of them being the red-light running detection application. I feel that the project could potentially save lives and that is an amazing thing. Technology that saves lives should be the most important ones to implement. I also saw a covid tracking application that will give you the chances of contracting the virus. That is also something that could potentially save lives and lower the transmission rate of it so we can go back to our normal lives. I definitely want to work on a project that will make a change in people’s lives in some way. I see so much potential in how technology can improve the quality of our lives, and I want to investigate those projects. Thanks for reading a little bit about myself, and what my interests are within computer science!