
My project partner and I have been working together to create a audio loop device that can record and playback audio samples that are live or per-recorded. Back in fall term, we were tasked with choosing and ranking a total of five project options and ideas. I forget the exact order I ranked our, but I chose this project as one of my top options because it encompassed using and modify hardware along with the coding aspect of our senior project. The Embedded System Audio Loop Station was a project that encompassed both coding and the use of hardware. initially the project was somewhat daunting at first. The hardware involved was the Teensy 4.1 along with other peripheral devices that would allow our project group to reach its goals. These specific hardware choices have been discussed in some of my previous blog posts. The aspect of uploading code to a microcontroller with inputs and outputs seemed like a big challenge. But as we continued on with the project, things seemed to smooth out and development got easier. Though throughout this term there were always aspects of the project that would suddenly bring up that internal doubt and anxiety of completing certain goals. Though doubts and uncertainties are a common and not so fun part of life. Some of life’s greatest lessons are what you learn from these challenges. 

With challenges behind and ahead of us, I often reflect on things that I would have liked to have done differently. Brushing up on C++ and its paradigms is definitely one of those things. C++ is a powerful language, but that power is only as great as your working knowledge and understanding of how to use it. 

The most interesting thing about this project was learning how to solder and work with “bare-ish” PCB’s (Printed Circuit Board). I had always wanted to learn how to work, repair, and troubleshoot small electronics and their boards, though I had never given it a try. I have always messed around with soldering and welding though my current career, but on a much larger scale when compared with PCBs. I love anything that I can create and mold with my hands. The physical aspect of working with components and parts is something that I truly love.

The capabilities of the Teensy 4.1 sometimes keeps me up at night, thinking about all the ways you could incorporate it into normal life. Brainstorming ways of how to use it in the automotive field (current career) leave you with so many possibilities. The ability to process signals and display them through a screen or lights, opens the door for so many ideas. And with the Teensy being so cheap, the ability to tinker and mess around with those things that keep us up at night, have stirred that inner part of myself that I truly love. A part of myself that I need to get back in touch with and explore more regularly. As we get older life sometimes puts a smokescreen in front of things that we once enjoyed, so much that we can forget and become out of touch with things that once brought us joy and endless entertainment. Reconnecting with these lost aspects is something that I encourage everyone out there to try and do.

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