What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

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The first thing I have for you is this, Don’t Panic! If your webpage is not performing as well as you would like, don’t lose all hope. There are all sorts of stuff that contribute to how well a webpage ranks among the Search Engine Results Page, the main page that pops up when you search for something. That’s pretty important right? You want to be ranked as high as possible in order to get the most traffic. I’m going to show you how to do just that, get ranked as high as possible. So let’s go!

Length of Content

This is HUGE when trying to crank that rank up. Google loves having long-form content. People love getting all of their information from a single source, so having all of your content in one spot could be super beneficial in getting your rank up. According to serpIQ Blog, the average length of content that ranks near the highest is around 2,500 words. Pretty sweet right? It doesn’t end there though, you need to make sure that not only does it meet the 2,500 word benchmark, that the content is of good quality. Check and make sure the content is free of mistakes, contains plenty of keywords and is written to address the specific needs of your audience.

Alright, step one is complete. We are already climbing up the ladder!

The Backlinks

Another thing you can do to boost up your ranking is use inbound and outbound links! These are crucial when trying to get your webpage ranking higher than others. But you can’t just throw in any type of links, try throwing in some relevant links that match your content and what you are trying to push to the audience. Try to use keywords when creating your links!

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Almost there..

Page Speed

This is actually a fairly new factor that Google has been using, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. You need to test your webpage as much as possible and make sure it is up to speed and performing as fast as possible. Doing this will not only improve your rank, but it will also provide a very solid user experience, and who doesn’t love that?

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To the top.

There are plenty of more things to consider when looking to increase your ranking with google. Just by doing these three things you will see a significant change with how your webpage is ranking among others. The ultimate goal is to get up to number one, doing these three things are a great start to doing just that. Try them all, and good luck!


Websolutionsinc. “10 Google Hacks to Improve Your Search Rank for Free.” Web Solutions, Inc, Web Solutions, 24 July 2018, https://www.websolutions.com/blog/10-google-hacks-to-improve-your-search-rank-for-free/.

“Five Ways to Improve Your Site’s Ranking (SEO).” Michigan Technological University, https://www.mtu.edu/umc/services/digital/seo/.

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