Leek Patties

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Instructions for Leek Patties

Prep the leeks (this method is a good all purpose method for leek cleaning for any recipe.) 

Step 1: Trim Leeks. 

Using a sharp knife and a cutting board. Cut off the rough root end close to the root, about ½ cm. Cut off the dark rough leaves. Keep the light green to white part of the leek.

Slice the leek in half the long way, end to end. Separate the layers.

Step 2: Clean the leeks – they are often sandy!

In a large bowl or pot of cool water, dunk the leek pieces and move them around so any sand/dirt settle out. You may want to repeat this step. Remove the leeks before discarding the water to prevent sand from mixing back onto the leeks.

Leek Patties Recipe:

Recipe from: Oz Telem’s ‘The Kitchen Coach’ https://www.oztelem.com/leek-patties/

Technique adapted by BNC team for Healthy Beaver Bag


2 leeks prepped: trimmed and cleaned

⅓ cup italian seasoned breadcrumbs

2 eggs

Pepper and salt (optional)

Oil for frying

Step 1: Cook leeks

  1. Chop leeks by stacking layers of clean leeks. Cut crosswise into thin ribbons.
  2. On the stovetop over medium heat cook leeks until softened and looking a bit mushy. Be careful not to burn the leeks, monitor and stir occasionally throughout. Color may not develop. If you wish to use a very small amount of oil to cook leeks you can, but don’t use much.
  3. When leeks are softened. Allow to cool before proceeding to add other ingredients – if leeks are too hot, egg will coagulate instead of mixing in!

Step 2: Form Patties

  1. In a large bowl combine cooled leeks, eggs, and bread crumbs, you can add a small pinch of salt and pepper if you would like to. Stir to combine.
  1. Use wet hands to shape the patties. Use 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture and form into rounds about 1cm thick. Place carefully on a plate.
  1. Step 3: Fry patties
  1. In a wide nonstick pan at least a few inches deep heat a small amount of oil across the bottom about ⅓ cm. Be careful not to heat it too much to smoke point. 
  1. Lay patties in a single layer in the oil to fry 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden.  Be careful when placing patties in the oil to avoid splatter hitting you. You may want to use a tool to transfer the patties into the oil.
  1. Remove patties with a spatula and drain on paper towels.
  1. Serve with any sauce of your choice including a yogurt sauce, mayonnaise based sauce, or tahini. 

Storage and use: Refrigerate any leftovers to use within 2 days.

Tips for safe frying.

  1. Select a pan with a tight fitting lid. Keep lid nearby, if fire or smoke occurs. Place lid and turn off/remove from heat to another place on stove. Do not pour water on hot oil or move across room to the sink. 
  2. Wet foods may cause splatters in oil. Be careful to not get hit with splatters. Do not drop items in heated oil. Place carefully with a heat safe tool. 
  3. Allow oil to cool completely before discarding. Cooking oil cannot go down a sink drain. Pour any excess oil into a disposable container, seal, and place in your trash.

Instructions on shallow frying method :https://www.yiannislucacos.gr/en/how/4430/how-fry-shallow-frying-basic-cooking-method

Read more: Leek Patties

Learn more about Leeks from FoodHero.com
