Oregon State University

OSU Wordpress

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Upgraded to 3.9.2 and new infrastructure

September 15th, 2014

An upgrade to WordPress 3.9.2 has been completed.  New WordPress and new infrastructure!  This upgrade is a significant jump.  Below is a list of the version that we skipped over and the improvements that have been incorporated.  The two most noticeable areas are the Admin menu has been revised and the Media experience has been enhanced.

An event a long time in the making, we have completed moving blogs.oregonstate.edu to a new set of servers.  This upgrade will result in a more responsive upgrade path for themes, plugins and WordPress itself.  Newer machines, new PHP and newer database system has resulted in better responsiveness.  Wordpress’ underlying structure has at times lead to issues with other Web sites being affected leading to slowness and sluggish response times.

In the near future, we will be adding new plugins with additional capabilities – Instagram, slideshows and more. If you have suggestions, let us know and we will be happy to evaluate them for general use for everyone.

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