The Biodiversity GAPs (Global Abundances Project)

Looking for data and collaborators

The Biodiversity GAPs (Global Abundances Project) seeks to compile standardised species-level abundance datasets across the world’s major forest management systems. This can help us understand how species respond to different ways of meeting growing global wood demand. The current call is for data falling within the following forest management systems:

  • Tropical selective logging
  • Temperate or boreal retention and clear-cut forestry
  • Temperate or boreal uneven-aged management
  • Salvage logging globally

How to submit your data:

Please submit data by following this link: .

Your benefit

By contributing data, you will be given the opportunity to contribute as a co-author in:

(1) A data paper describing the Biodiversity GAPs database (the data will only be published with your consent).

(2) An analysis paper looking at the abundance impacts of different wood production systems globally.


Jo Brunelli, Gianluca Cerullo, Amelia Fitch, Matt Betts, Fangyuan Hua


Jo Brunelli: brunellj AT oregonstate DOT edu

Gianluca Cerullo: grcerullo AT gmail DOT com


Feb 30th 2025

The criteria for submissions are as follows:

Minimum data

We are seeking species-level data within selectively logged, salvage logged, retention forestry (with or without additional clear-cut sites), and uneven-aged management systems, where

  • Species-level abundances (counts/coverage) have been collected within forest sites that have been managed for wood production (see above).
  • With paired control forest sites which are unmanaged forest sites, where;
  • Coordinates are available or can be inferred for sites, where;
  • Year of sampling of sites is known;
  • With basic information on management history for the site (form of management, time since last harvest, harvest intensity).

Long-term studies or studies where abundances have been collected along a post-harvest age gradients are particularly valuable.

Data format

Our project will format your data in a standardised way and we accept data in common formats(excel, csvs, rds). We ask that you make clear to us how your data is organised, so that we can extract the following information, if applicable.

spp: which columns/rows hold species names.

site: which columns/rows contain site names

transect: which columns/rows contain transect name

abundance: the count/coverage of species. Note that we are also interested in occurence (0/1) data.

abundance_unit: is this abundance referring to abundance, coverage, relative abundance, sample effort corrected abundance, occurence, or other (please describe)?

point: which columns/rows contain plot or point or trap-level names

coordinates: which columns/rows contain spatial information for sites or points

year: year of data collection

month: month of data collection (if known).

dominant_tree: what is the dominant tree species/genus/family in your sites? E.g Eucalyptus, dipterocarp, pine etc.

Optional data

It is extremely useful to provide additional information on the management histories and contexts of sites if this information is available. Such information includes:

harvest_intensity: how much wood was extracted from the site?

harvest_intensity_scale: what resolution are estimates of harvest intensity (for instance, are these estimates of harvest intensity 100m around the site, or are they averages made at landscape levels)?

harvest_intensity_measure: what is the yield measure? Number of tree harvested per ha/m3 harvested ha/ m3 extracted from the forest per ha/ m3 processed per ha, etc.?

forest_age: how old is the forest?

time_since_harvest: when was the forest last harvested?

forest_treatment_1: did the forest undergo any forestry treatments beyond the major management system? For instance, if the forest is managed under retention forestry management, has the forest also undergone additional pre-commercial thin?

forest_treatment_1_details: details on the additional forest treatments

hunted: is the forest site hunted as well as logged?

unmanaged_forest_deg: relevant information on the degradation history of any unmanaged forest sites. (Ie. fires/hunting/major drought that may influence species abundances during collection efforts.

managed_forest_deg: relevant information on the degradation history of any managed forest sites. (Ie. fires/hunting/major drought that may influence species abundances during collection efforts).

forest_structure: forest structure/composition data are helpful if available. These include basic metrics such as basal area (by species/ species group), density by diameter class.

forest_structure_metric: if forest structure data are provided, what measure of forest structure (eg. basal area) is provided?

License options

Short explanation of the license meaning:

  1. Public (CC BY): Maximizes the dataset’s accessibility and usage, including commercial uses, but ensures you are credited.
  2. Public (CC BY) – no coordinates: The data is provided without coordinates, or with inferred coordinates
  3. Public noncommercial (CC BY-NC-ND) – Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted but ensures you are credited.
  4. Private – the data will only be used internally, not passed on or made available for download.

Note: All data is used in the data paper description and global analysis. We encourage open data; this will be our first paper’s basis.

How to submit your data:

Please submit data by following this link: .

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