Writing Exercise #9 – Decreasing Microbe Exposure

Microbes are everywhere and as tiny organisms typically unseeable by the human eye, we may not realize all of the ways in which our behaviors contribute to our exposure to microbes.

Some behaviors are obvious – such as the ones where we take actions to physically block microbes from reaching us. For example, we wear gloves when handling something that may transfer dangerous microbes. In more specialized activities we may wear safety goggles or personal protective gear to prevent exposure to microbes. Another behavior that doesn’t necessarily block but rather removes the microbes before you can be exposed is sterilizing an area before you come into contact in it.

Other behaviors are less obvious but lead to decreased exposure as well. For example, avoiding very public places such as a school or workplace decreases being exposed to microbes from other people. These can be harmful, or could be pathogenic microbes which may cause you to become sick. Similarly, exposure to pets or other animals may lead to increased microbe exposure. Another behavior which leads to decreased exposure is limiting time outside or in the outdoors such as in parks, trails, or natural areas.

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