Writing Exercise #8

I think the most interesting thing I have learned in class this term was the connection between the microbiome and disease. There is so much more research to go with this connection that could lead to more success clinically. I would want to learn more about the possible remedies using the manipulation of microbes. Papers from class have highlighted the specific diseases associated with dysbiosis, but could there be more research on certain dysbiosis of certain parts in the body? In other words, could dysbiosis in certain parts of your body predict a certain disease. Is dysbiosis particular to one area of the body? Furthermore, could certain antibiotics and probiotics be linked to one or more microorganisms in the body. However, the most capturing idea was the introduction of a microbiome. This week’s discussion of early life development is something I would like to learn more about. There was talk about potential factors that could alter the microbiome, but have any of these been looked at thoroughly? Is there a way that this could be linked to future health and diseases of an individual? Have newborn diseases been associated with the microbiome environment? The newest fact to me has been the microbe specificity across body sites. It would be interesting to investigate how these body sites change over time. The microbiome of the environment influences us so how does this apply to the specificity of sites?

Is there a way that this could be linked to future health and diseases of an individual?

This phrase captured my attention because it expands on the development of early life and an infant’s microbiome. There must be a connection as to how the introduction to microbiomes could affect you in the future. The paper from Journal Club #11 highlighted the idea of different microbiome introductions—can be either positive or negative. However, can there be a negative impact measured? Like the likeability to allergies or antibiotic resistance. Do what microbes populate first influence the dominant taxa in future individuals? Is there pre-natal care that influences the microbiome? Also, now that the world has become more commercialized and fresh products highly polluted with microplastics, could there be an effect on the microbiome? The disparities of environments in the U.S. are great enough to analyze this further. Moreover, if all babies eventually come to create a microbiome differently, how do all individuals come to end up with the same taxonomies? Are any major classes of our microbiome more linked to dysbiosis and pathogenicity than others?

From this brainstorm, I think I might start looking into connections between early microbes introduced and the future health of individuals. However, this seems like a large topic so I might go towards the direction of dominant pathogenic microbes. Can dominant pathogenic microbes be linked to fetus development and mother microbiome? I ask a lot of questions in my free writing so I can start by looking these up.

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