Writing Exercise #5

Our everyday choices have an impact on the health of the microbial community in our gut. Although it may not have immediate effects, an unhealthy microbial system could be detrimental to how we process food in the future. Personally, I try to watch the quality of the foods that I choose to eat. This means that the food has the necessary nutrients that I need to carry out normal body functions. Additionally, I try to keep a balanced diet, making sure that my food intake doesn’t rely heavily on just one type of food, such as carbohydrates. It’s also crucial to try different types of food, I feel that this keeps my body from relying on only one source and it improves the diversity of the microbial flora in my gut. On the other hand, being a college student makes it difficult to stay on a strict diet. To combat this I’ve made sure to maintain healthy by exercising regularly and keeping stress levels in check. Moreover, I feel that staying away from processed foods has improved my quality of life. Overall, being a college student has been a huge lesson in taking care of myself and my body in order to live a better life.

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