Writing Exercise #15

As head of a funding agency, I would like to see more funding go to research done to better understand how different modes of birth impact the gut microbiota, which in turn impacts an individual’s immune system. This is the topic I chose to write about in my final essay, and I find that it is important to research more because many women are choosing to have cesarean sections done which have been correlated to higher rates of autoimmune diseases and various allergies. From the research conducted by the means of these funds, the scientific world could begin to better understand how proper gut microbial populations are directly correlated to healthy immune system development. By better understanding this concept, more pregnant women in the future may choose to do vaginal delivery (if they are able to) instead of opting to do cesarean birth because of data from the this much needed research. This would not only be beneficial for the infant, but better for our healthcare system and our economy as a whole.

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