Writing assignment #11

Reflect on the peer-review process with you as the reviewer. How did it feel to read and critique someone else’s writing? What did you learn that you can apply to your own writing as you revise your final essay?

In my experience with the peer review process, I though it helped me better understand the main goals for writing the paper. I was surprised how much I learned from just reading another persons paper. When dissecting a paper you must read it multiple times forwards and backwards. This helped me grab the major concepts of the papers and informed me more then just reading it once over.  I can apply the use of references in my paper that were used the papers that I reviewed. I also liked how one of the papers I read tied her conclusion back to her thesis in a way that made the whole paper very informing and easily understandable. Critiquing somebody’s work is always tough because you don’t want to change too much of the paper or review too harshly. I found it much easier to review when we were given a template to go from. I was able to gain some good insight on what could make my paper better by just looking at techniques used in my peers papers. I don’t think a writing class would be complete without having to go through the reviewing process because its a good way to learn techniques and even better way to learn what goes into a legitimate informational paper.

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