Week 9

After taking all the surveys I was very surprised. The first survey about stress levels I thought I would have scored much higher in because I often feel stressed out. But according to the survey I scored a 157, which isn’t to bad. The survey said if you score a 150-300 you 50% more likely to have a mental breakdown in the next two years. Since mine was just over 150, I felt pretty good about my score. The second test about coping with stress I knew I would score poorly since I am very bad a coping with stress most of the time. I scored a 45 and the test said I had problem focused coping which makes sense, since I have a troubles not thinking about problems or what’s stressing me out. This score does surprise me since my stress level score wasn’t that high. The final survey which was the personality survey I was a little annoyed about because I scored a 48 and was told I was impatient and irritability, which no one likes to hear. I personally think however I am just very self aware and will get annoyed when others aren’t since I am normally always focused on what my actions may be doing to overs. I feel like it is normal to get annoyed with people who are not self aware, or simply don’t care. Overall, these surveys surprised me since I thought I would score higher in some areas and get an overall more positive score on the rest. I think this is a good learning experience though, is not I will be able to be more aware of how I handle things and how that may effect my stress levels.

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