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Be Open. Be Orange.  April 1st, 2014

Submitted by Terra Setzler

Recently there was a racially hateful comment left on a bathroom stall in Milam. When I saw the post on things overheard at OSU I responded saying, “To me this person is not a Beaver. You cannot be powered by orange when you are fueled by hate. This is not acceptable.” Then in my ethics class we were asked to talk about a ‘be orange’ moment we had and to define what it means to ‘be orange.’ Let me take a moment to do that now.

Being Orange means being caring and inclusive to all. Through my almost three years of college I’ve learned a lot about how social, economic and political systems favor some people over others. OSU students take bacc core classes to gain a greater understanding of the world around them. Being Orange means as some signs in the library put it, “the nation is an inclusive community” or “the nation enhances well-being and social progress.” Being Orange and being part of Beaver Nation means being a part of the force that changes these inequalities.

So if being Orange means being accepting and understanding, what does that look like? First, be orange, be open. Be open to the experiences of others and the truths of their lives. Each person has had their own life experience and its important to be open to hearing it and even if it differs from yours, try to accept it without marginalizing or belittling. Second, be orange, be caring. I like many others cannot manage to be politically correct 100% of the time. Be emotionally correct. Try to respect other’s experiences and when you do offend someone, take the time to understand why and to adjust your mindset and actions moving forward.

There are so many obstacles for many people to overcome (gender, race and economic position having a lot to do with it), be a factor that helps fix these inequalities. If you haven’t yet learned how your actions can hurt those around you, check out the ‘I too am OSU’ page on Facebook or walk in to a cultural center. Ignorance of a problem does not make it go away.

Be Respectful. Be Orange.  March 21st, 2014

Submitted by Leandro B. Monar

To be “Orange” as a value can be difficult to explain, mostly because to be “Orange” is not a value, but a group of values. This group of values can be compare to subjective relativism, due to the fact that they are different for every single member of the Oregon State University community (Vaughn, 2013). The “Orange” values are establish by the way people inside OSU community behave in every moment of their live. This behavior should not be confused with the behavior the OSU community has in school, which is establish by the Student Conduct Code (Oregon State University, 2014). Every person in the OSU community is different from one another, but among all the values the OSU community has, the one that most of them share and has great importance, is the value of respect.

People form the OSU community respect one another in every moment of their live and not only when they are at school and they have to follow a conduct code. In a university town, such as Corvallis, people from the OSU community can be found in very corner of the town. For this reason, the way people respect each other is noticeable in every corner of the town in every day of the year. The “Orange” value is seen in the way people from different cultures respect each other without any type of discrimination. For example, there are many Asian celebrations, such as Chinese New Year, that are enjoy by many members of the OSU community inside the facilities of Oregon State University. The “Orange” value can also be seen in the respect to elderly people and the respect to people with disabilities. This is seen a lot in the public transportation at Corvallis, where members from the OSU community give their sits to elder people and people with disabilities, and there is no need for the bus driver to interfere and ask people to give their places to someone else.

One of my favorite’s ways of showing respect is the respect to ideas and believes. In almost every part of the OSU community, people can respectfully express their ideas without the fear of being criticizes or segregated for that. Respect is an easy way to describe the “Orange” value, but “Orange” should be something more than that. “Orange” should be a permanent life style and not something that will just last while a person is part of OSU. To be “Orange” should mean that a person learn the importance of treating others with respect and will continue to do it after graduation or his entire life. It will not matter to what place that person move, what type of environment he encounters or at what age that person is, the “Orange” value of respect should continue inside that person and it should never disappear, but it should get stronger.


Oregon State University. (2014). Oregon State   University. Retrieved from Student Conduct and Community Standards :

Vaughn, L. (2013). Doing Ethics. New York: W. W.   Norton & Company, Inc.



Be Sustainable, Be Orange  March 21st, 2014

Be Sustainable, Be Orange

Submitted By Marco Olivera

If you walk around the campus you will notice the many values and phrases of what it mean to “be orange.” To be orange is to represent your school (Oregon State University), your program, and your self in a way other will admire. Some of the values that students and staff associate with being orange and that are currently seen around campus are accountability, diversity integrity, respect, and social responsibility. You can ask 100 people who are part of Oregon State or OSU Alumni and you may get 100 distinct answers, but one thing does hold true to all of these answers, and that is that being orange is associated with being an ethical person.
To me being orange means being sustainable. But I do not just define sustainable as a way to help save the planet. Sustainable to me encompasses more things, it means sustaining life by only taking your share, being sustainable by helping others so they can later help themselves, and in turn help others. It also means to respect others, their things, their beliefs, and themselves. To be sustainable you will graduate from OSU and contribute to make this world better for everyone not just those who are close to you or also graduated from Oregon State, but you do your part no matter how large or small to make this a better world.
Our “do ethics” assignment was a great jumping off point for many in our class, who like myself knew little about what ethics actually was. It doesn’t take a solution to world hunger to be ethical. It takes doing what you can to create a little good in the world. Something as small as donating 1 hour of your time to help your neighbor shovel snow off there sidewalk is an ethical act, it is a sustainable act, and it is an act that demonstrates what it mean to be orange.
I am towards the tail end of time here at Oregon State as an undergrad, and I did not come into the university the man I will be leaving as. Being Orange has truly become part of who I am. I will continue to “be orange” by being sustainable, I find it to be my responsibility to give back to the future generations for they hold the potential to solve problems that are still to exist, and to help the older generations for they hold the knowledge they have obtained through their experiences.

Be Original. Be Orange.  March 18th, 2014

Submitted by Jordan Hamilton

After reading through many Oregon State University (OSU) documents, such as the Oregon State University strategic plan, I have noticed several words that Oregon State University associates itself with, most notably accountability, diversity, integrity, respect, and social responsibility. Most of the documents I have encountered, regarding how Oregon State University refers to itself and its constituents, are all centered towards a collaborative group and are rarely directed towards the individual. While Oregon State University is a large institution and creating a positive university image is critical to the goals of the university, I would like to place more emphasis on the development of the individual, specifically on the creation of originality within the individual. After all, creating a morally diverse group begins with the individual doesn’t it?

Prior to my involvement in Oregon State University’s philosophy program, I had not challenged myself to think of why I believed in the values that I upheld to highest standard in my life. I knew that I associated myself with certain beliefs and practices; however, I had never considered why I associated myself with these beliefs. Upon completion of this ethics course I felt immense growth in myself in the way I question my actions and beliefs. This is the skill that I associate with “Being Orange”, the ability to challenge yourself, your beliefs, and your actions on an individual level. I refer to this value as originality.

The value that I associate with “Being Orange” is originality. In my ideal world I want to be a part of an institution and society that promotes originality, meaning that everybody has the freedom and obligation to challenge their beliefs on the most extreme level. By being able to perform this skill of questioning beliefs and values on the individual level, we, as an institution, have the potential to see the most growth and development towards the values that Oregon State University associates itself with, such as diversity, accountability, and social responsibility. Oregon State University has this idea of creating an eclectic group of people that can achieve great heights, yet as an institution it fails to challenge individuals to critically think about why individuals adopt the values they have. Without questioning personal values, I believe the individual does not know if they truly believe in the values and therefore cannot fully employ these values in the work they perform.

I want to see Oregon State University take more initiative to challenge its constituents on an individual level, rather than the large scale university level. This is where Oregon State University fails to uphold their vision. Moreover, I would like to challenge Oregon State University constituents, meaning all students, staff, future students, and alumni, to become more original and consider why they cherish the beliefs and values they do. After witnessing the results of challenging my own beliefs firsthand, I have seen the growth that can take place on the individual level and it is truly eye opening. This idea of originality is best shown in a quote from John F. Kavanaugh S.J. where he states, “Intrinsic personal value – the foundation of ethical value – starts when our individual life journeys begin. It ends only with the cessation of our existence.” With those words in mind, create your foundation of ethical value, so you can begin your life journey. Be Original, Be Orange, and challenge yourself on the individual level and you can more knowingly achieve the success you desire. This is the Oregon State University that I want to be a part of.


Be Inspirational. Be Orange.  March 17th, 2014

Submitted by Bayla Sek

Being orange has many different meanings and interpretations from the Oregon State University community, however, wearing orange and black along with clothing that establish the new beaver logo is one feature that portrays what being orange means.  A lot of people come to OSU for many different reasons and motives, and that’s why being orange to me can differ to another person’s perspective. Everyone attending Oregon State obviously has the ultimate goal of graduating and receiving a college degree, which is one way to think of being orange. Being orange could also be interpreted as living in Oregon, more specifically Corvallis!

Being orange, in respects to being a student, could come off as being responsible, mature, and friendly. The university would want us all to represent them in the best light possible so all of those attributes would be necessary in order to create civil environment within the OSU community. Committing an action that OSU would forbid could also show what it means to not be orange. That’s when utilitarianism that we learned in class is considered for being orange because the university would want all of us to do actions that will benefit us all.

Being orange to me personally is so amazing for me and my family. I’m a first generation college student so the opportunity to receive an education at this level is incredible and I’m so grateful to be in the position I’m in. I think based on my background and everything that I’ve experienced, being orange to me is inspirational because it represents an opportunity that my parents never had the chance to pursue. Furthermore, during the first part of the term, we had our show and tell assignment with our lab groups and I didn’t know what to bring, so I just pulled out my student identification card. I explained that this I.D. card might not mean much to my group but it truly shows how far my family has come since moving to the United States decades ago. I do believe I inspired my group in regards to what an OSU student I.D. meant to someone like me, so I think from my peers perspective, being compassionate towards one another is another foundation of being orange. In addition, through some readings and lectures, I’ve learned a lot about self-compassion. I didn’t realize how much I neglected self-compassion and yet it has been proven to reduce stress, improve sleep, etc. I remember one detail specifically where it explained that if you show yourself more self-compassion, than you’ll have more to give to others. I believe that would directly coincide with being compassionate towards one another and being orange because everything starts with you, so if you help yourself before others, you’ll have more to offer. This one little small change can indirectly improve the OSU community and make it an even better place to live and make being orange a sign of gratification.

In conclusion, I’ve given my perspective on what being orange means to me, however there is no definite explanation on what being orange means. Being orange is totally subjective because it may mean one thing somebody and another for somebody else. There will never be a right or wrong answer so being orange can be several different things. Overall, I truly believe if we can keep inspiring one another and show compassion towards one another as well as self-compassion, I think we can improve as a community and attest why being orange is special.

Be Kind. Be Orange  December 15th, 2013

Submitted by Lindsey Naylor



Powered By Orange


What does it mean to “Be Orange”?

When I asked Oregon State students this question, I received quite a few different answers. But the answers mostly centered around these concepts:

  • Being committed to and loyal to Oregon State University and what it represents to the students and the community
  • Following and supporting Oregon State University Sports teams
  • Being a dedicated Oregon State University student











In the media, Oregon State University is known primarily for our football team. Secondly, we are known for our academics. However, someone who isn’t affiliated with Oregon State will have no knowledge of the ethics and values that are important within our community.


Reser Stadium


The leaders of Oregon State University have created a list of core values that we need to demonstrate in order to build a successful community. The values are accountability, diversity, integrity, respect, and social responsibility. If we were to truly incorporate all of these values into our daily lives, our community would be an incredible place. However, even though this is a great plan, if no one is participating, nothing is going to change. I think the most important thing that we can focus on at OSU is the way we interact with each other.

I would like to see Oregon State become known for the way we treat each other; I want “orange” to mean kindness. By kindness, I mean putting others before yourself and keeping an eye out for someone who needs a hand. In the future, if I ask someone what it means to be “orange”, I want them to say something like, “looking out for each another” or “helping someone in need”.


Be Kind



So, how can we create a kind, accepting, non-discriminating community at OSU? 

The best way to spread a message in today’s society is through social media. What we need to do is get a group of people who are passionate for this cause to create memes, write in their blogs, and post on their facebooks and twitter accounts. That way, all of their friends that go to Oregon State can be aware of what we’re trying to accomplish and they can get involved.

The message that we want to get across is that being kind to others doesn’t have to be a huge effort, but can make a huge difference. People in the OSU community can make small changes in their daily routine to be kind to everyone they come into contact with throughout the day.

Examples of small ways to be kind to others:

  • Stopping your car to let a pedestrian cross the road when they aren’t at a crosswalk
  • Paying for the coffee of the customer behind you at a coffee shop
  • Be actively looking everywhere you go for people who could use a hand
  • Giving a “pat on the back” to someone else who does something kind
  • Smile at people when you pass them on the sidewalk
  • Opening a door for the person walking behind you

The more people we can get to embrace being kind to others, the further and faster our message will spread.





Be strong, be orange  December 15th, 2013

Submitted by Aaron Dosono

What does it mean to be orange? Those of us at Oregon State University understand that being orange can mean much more than just the intermediate hue of red and yellow. Being orange means being a part of the Oregon State University community. The OSU community includes everyone that is or has been a part of OSU. This includes the employees(ers), students, alumni, the extended branches and those that contribute to Oregon State. But how does one become a part this community?

From the Office of the Dean of student life, the OSU student shared values highlight that being a part of the community start with the individual and each individual has many values to follow and uphold. These include and are not limited to being responsible, respectful, open, aware and honest. Following and integrating these values greatly reflect the integrity of the individual. In the community the sum of all individuals reflect the integrity of the community.

It is my opinion that to be orange is to be yourself as best as only you can be. Orange is more than in the words you say but in actions you do; it is the follow through of your words through your actions. Orange is being more than just an individual but as being a part of a community. Typically in a community you are inherently being accountable for yourself and for others. Orange is about being aware of yourself, your surroundings, your actions and their consequences. To me being orange is like going to the gym. When you go to the gym for what ever your reasons whether it be improving physical fitness, relaxation, chillin with friends, or something else, you have a set plan and set responsibilities. You have responsibilities toward yourself to make sure you are performing with proper technique and are aware of your health by proper hydration and managing fatigue. This is an example of self care. In terms of being orange, being orange is also being able to recognize and know yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself in the gym, you are in danger of injury.

In the gym you also have the responsibilities to be aware of those around you, this includes those you spot as well as those whom you share the gym. It is in everyone’s best interest that you keep common courtesies such as patiently waiting for benches and machines rather than being a total a-hole and selfishly taking things without regard for others. It is also in your own interest as well as the gyms(community) best interest that you utilize the equipment correctly and safely. The OSU community offer plenty of resources for each and every individual. Being orange is being able to recognize diversity as strength and by making the most of our resources. Being orange also means having and showing respect by treating others, as you would have them treat you. By being respectful is to treat others with civility, dignity, and by being compassionate towards them. No individual is the same but each should be treated with the same respect. Being orange can be described as being accountable through being loyal stewards of good will toward others. We are able to exercise this by being connected and by taking care of those whether they be out in the community or even those closest to us.

Being orange is a lot more than virtue and traits of character that you achieve by practice;  Knowing yourself through self-evaluation and by recognizing the accumulation of your past and your goals toward the future is also a very important part of the orange-esque. In the gym, if you avidly evaluate yourself and keep track of your progress, it is easy to find areas that need improvement, make gains, and better yourself as a whole. Knowing yourself and knowing your truth is a step in the direction to be orange. Knowing yourself and how to care for yourself reflects your ability to care for others. In the gym before you can spot others, you must first understand the proper lift to understand the proper spot procedure otherwise you may injure yourself or the person you are spotting.

Like in the community, the body needs to be trained with a variety of exercises rather than sticking to ones that you are comfortable with. There are many different exercises for each individual muscle group and each need to be trained equally and properly. In the community you must be open-minded to seek other ways of improving your self and the community. Keeping an open mind allows one to learn and grow. You must be diverse and accepting of new exercises while also understanding the impact of each. Being orange is about learning and growing in virtues and spreading it to others by example. Being orange means being rational, looking at the whole situation rather than in one-sided parts. It is to consider the consequences of each action before doing and by choosing to act in a way that will benefit the greatest number.

Being orange is being a change; it is being an original and having the authenticity and audacity to “shape the mold.” Being orange is being part of the community by having an understanding of your surroundings and your situation. It is to be humble, to listen, and to react appropriately and to be useful. It is to be mindful and to be strong in your beliefs of what is right. Being orange is being an stimulus for positivity. To strive for excellence and inspire others to do the same. It is to challenge yourself to be better, to grow, and to be strong.

Be Full of Purpose, Be Orange  December 14th, 2013

Be Full of Purpose Be Orange

Submitted by Margo Botti

Each student at Oregon State University has different reasoning as to what it means to Be Orange. For me, being Orange means having a purpose. Not just having a purpose, but also being full of purpose. Each of the 27,925 students have a reason and a purpose for being at this University; whether they know it now or figure it out in the future, there is a purpose. Living with a purpose while attending one’s time at Oregon State requires engagement with what’s going on. Posted all around campus are “Be Orange Banners” symbolizing what it means to Be Orange. We each have different values and attitudes, which decipher the degree to what we see Orangeness as. When we come together as one community, the characteristics OSU values according to their Strategic Plan are: accountability, diversity, integrity, respect, and social responsibility. There is a purpose behind how students live those values out each day. There is a purpose we are here at Oregon State, in the community each of us are in, and behind the legacy we will leave. We all have a purpose, and I believe we should live our purpose out to the fullest of our ability and capacity.
There is a reason I, and all of the other students are here at Oregon State. We all got accepted. The term accepted goes along way. Sometimes we lose thought of what it means to be here at the University, myself included. An amazing division one University wanted each one of us- we were picked by a group of people because they wanted us and chose us. It is our responsibility to make ethically sound decisions while we are here and to be aware of the core values OSU stands for helps to create a healthy successful community of students. We are chosen to be here and have a purpose behind that choice. We are accepted here, as one community and one body of people. With the diversity among the students, there is something we all have in common; we all got in to the same University. There is something special about feeling wanted and accepted and I think we forget that when we feel lonely or rejected. There’s a purpose that we were chosen an accepted and that is not something to take lightly. Knowing that we are all chosen to be one community makes us Orange. At OSU we each live out a different purpose, but we are all apart of one community- the community of Orangeness. We live out Orangeness in the many reasons why each of us are here. Being Orange may look different for all of us, but there is a purpose behind the activities we engage in, the paths we take in college, and the communities we are attracted to. Looking at it from a counteractive viewpoint, some students may not want to be here, and do not see the opportunity and positive experiences available to them. But I would argue to step back and see the purpose that will come from it. I believe we are all here for a purpose. At Oregon State we are people with a purpose, and should desire to live that out to the full.
I have been so incredibly blessed by the community I have at Oregon State. To me, there is so much meaning and purpose in that. Community is something I value immensely. I always tell people that the most important elements to have in college are community and accountability. My community encourages me and builds me up in my life and in my faith, and I in return am able to be a blessing to them. I have seen the purpose in why I have the community I have here and I want that for every student. Being involved in a community gives the opportunity to be compassionate towards other around you, and also compassionate to oneself, because they are plugging in to an environment where they feel they belong and are loved. The friends we choose in college are the ones who share in the triumphs, and mourn through the trials. We have a purpose for the people whom we affect and influence in our communities, and those who affect and influence us at OSU. Other people may not say that community is something that they think of when faced with the concept of being Orange, but I can assume that it is a part of their life here at Oregon State.
After leaving OSU, we will all leave behind a legacy. We are here for a purpose, and will leave with a purpose. After college everyone goes in different directions, but one thing we all have in common is that we get the opportunity to leave a legacy. If there is a purpose for us being here, what we leave behind is purposeful. Being Orange is something one can identify with for a lifetime. Being part of the Orange community also involves leaving the physical state of the Orange community as a student. I want to leave behind a legacy that makes people feel blessed because they knew me; I want them to remember me for the positive impact I made in their life. We were here, and we were Orange, how do you want to make the years here purposeful? What will your legacy be?
After asking people around me what it means to be Orange, some of the answers I received were: “being a Beaver fan,” “being concerned for the campus,” “being present,” “welcomed,” “being a student here,” “diversity,” and “people who are always friendly.” We all define Orange with different ethical values and attitudes we have. I value living life with a purpose, not just in my four years at OSU, but in the years I have lived and continue to live. Because I have compassion for myself, I will take what I think it means to be Orange and lay it at the world’s feet. I’m living life full of purpose, being Orange is living full of purpose. We have a purpose whether we see it now or see it in a year. Find your purpose and leave your legacy.

Be Proud, Be Orange  December 13th, 2013


Submitted by: Colter Rodman

            My senior year of High School I applied to 3 colleges; Oregon, Oregon State, and Northern Arizona.  I was accepted to all 3 but eventually chose Oregon State because I knew I wanted to pursue a degree in engineering.  Since moving to Corvallis I could not be happier with my decision.  Oregon State has a campus filled with intelligent, hard working, good natured people.  This does not come from the individuals that Oregon State accepts into their university, but from the community it fosters.

College is a very important time in a person’s life, we move away from home and experience life on our own and it is around this age that we become adults.  We are responsible for our own actions and lose the protected environment of high school and home.  This is where our moral compass is forged.  Our parents have influenced us and sent us in the right direction.  Now we must make our own decisions on time management, dedication, we must find a balance between work and play, but more importantly, right and wrong.  The environment you are placed in (which school you choose) can heavily influence you as a person.

This is the reason the “Be Orange” campaign is so important, through this campaign Oregon State intends to help us on our moral journey.  The campaign encourages students to be personally proud of their school.  Through school and personal accomplishments Oregon State encourages students to have a “head held high” mentality.  If each person has this mentality, then the Oregon State community will have this mentality, and if the school has this mentality, we can start to make a visible difference to those around us.

If you were to walk around Oregon State and ask students what they thought it meant to be “orange” common descriptions would include the words commitment, spirit, hard work, and care.  These are all values that students feel we encourage and embrace as a school.  You can see this on a day to day basis as well.  Whether you walk into a class room on a Monday and see the work students put out or head down to Gill Coliseum on an evening to catch a basketball game.  Students here care about their school as well as those they go to school with.  The community that this school creates benefits everyone around it and is one of the main factors for the growth of its students.

Until this term I had not thought seriously about the community I was a part of, I went through my day thinking about what I had to do to make it through college.  This class, however, has opened my eyes.  I now see that I cannot think of just myself as I progress through this institution, but must do my best to help others around me.  Oregon State is more just a University, it a community which we must all actively take part in to improve.  The community is much larger than most students notice, we are comprised of not only students, but faculty and alumni as well.  All of us play our own roll, allowing our university to grow from all fronts, and the more we interact, the more we grow.

When I think of being “orange” the word that comes to mind is help.  Oregon State and its students do a tremendous job of helping others.  From the classroom, to the streets of Corvallis and beyond, students from OSU help each other and those around them.  Acts range from helping classmates on homework assignments or volunteering at a boys and girls club.  A fantastic example of students helping others happened on Friday; the surprising snow dump left many cars deeply embedded.  No matter where you went around town you could see students helping get cars out of deep piles or helping put chains on others cars.  If someone is in a tight spot, help will be provided from the community.

These acts don’t stop once a student graduates either; the values that a student learns at Oregon State are also taken in to the professional world.  As a Construction Engineering student I am in a field where a lot of the professionals I interact with are graduates of Oregon State.  When I talk to someone who is not, they could not speak more highly of our institution.  Our graduates are known to be enjoyable, spirited employees as well as embracing a strong work ethic.  This demonstrates the lasting effect Oregon State has on its students.

When people ask me where I go to school or what I think about my time at Oregon State, I could not give a more positive response, which is saying a lot since I come from a family of ducks.  I am proud to be a part of this community, of what this university has taught me, and what I have learned from others along the way.  I would consider this the place where my moral compass was forged, where I learned to make many of the decisions that make me who I am today.  The community at Oregon State is strong and supportive and has given me a great college experience.  GO BEAVS!

Be Orange blogpost instructions for PHL 205-002 Fall 2012  December 5th, 2013

It’s that time of the year!

PHL 205 students: Here are the instructions for your assignment!



Be Good. Be Orange.

Your assignment: Demonstrate your ability to use your ethics skills (as defined in syllabus and class) to answer the question: “What does it mean for you to Be Orange?”

Skills being assessed:

  • Compassion (for self & others)
  • Moral imagination
  • Ethics spotting
  • Epistemic accountability (remember: accountable ignorance, appropriate use of evidence, proper citation, etc.)
  • Value Communication
  • Evaluation & Argumentation
  • Engagement

Successfully completing this assignment will require:

  •  Identifying existing definitions of “Orange” as a value (e.g. OSU Strategic Plan, University marketing and news materials, OSU logo, etc.)
  • Clarifying and communicating your own values and educational goals within the context of the OSU community (What do you want orange to mean?)
  • Determining and using the most “effective” format/method for communicating your value message (consider: style, media, format, etc.)
  • Demonstrating “engagement” and action skills. One possibility: revisit other ethics “actions” or “interventions” discussed in class and your “OSU Report Card assignment”



Audience: your professor (remember course goals!) and blog readers

Objective: Provide student accounts of the value of “Being Orange” for the purpose of refashioning higher education (e.g. PHL 205 as back core requirement)

Format: Reflective blog entry on Be Orange website (*approximately* 3 pages).  Other formats welcomed but must be cleared with professor.

Assessment: Creative Thinking Values rubric (see course syllabus) and in-class checklist (12/5)

Deadline: 12/13/13 by 5pm


Posting Instructions (MAKE SURE TO READ THIS!)

1. Login with ONID information: Be Orange.  Start a new post (using dashboard on left side of page).

2. Title post as: “Be [your value]. Be Orange.”

3. First line of post should be: “Submitted by [your name]”

4. Include text in box provided.  You may save and edit prior to submission.  Insert media and links, as appropriate.

5. Tag post by clicking “begood” category (in right side box)

6. Add three “tags” to identify your post, using the box on the right side of the submission page.  One of your tags must be the value identified in your post title.