
So, still a little bummed we’re going with my teammate’s version of the game instead of mine, but whatever. I’m not sure I’m going to put this on my resume anyway, as putting a clone of an 80s game just sounds not very impressive. If I do put it on there, I’ll have to hype up the Machine Learning portion of it.

This week I’m focused on integrating my ball and paddle logic into the game. In my personal life, I found out a few days ago I have a staph infection. It’s not bad though, they gave me an antibiotic cream I’ve been using. I’ve been putting a band aid over it when I train in Jiu Jitsu, but I may just skip a couple sessions just to be extra safe I don’t spread it. I’ll make up the exercise with some hikes near my place.

I think I mentioned that I want to start eating better. I got a cooking book specifically for putting on lean muscle. I heard recently that the body can only absorb 20-25g or protein in one meal (2 hours apart from another meal). This was really interesting to me, as I typically try to get as much protein as possible in a meal when I’m eating well. I’m trying to keep carbs relatively low lately, so if I’m also only eating 20-25g of protein a meal, this is a good argument for smaller meals throughout the day, as opposed to a couple large meals. I also got a kettlebell and this week am going to start a kettlebell workout alongside BJJ (or in the time off). Kettlebells are great for general strength and conditioning, and in addition to it improving my jits game, it will also help prevent injuries as much as or more than stretching. I’m also hoping that doing a weights workout for the first time in a couple years will be enough to stimulate at least a little hypertrophy. At the very least, if I do in fact manage to start eating right (and enough), the kettlebell workout, alongside BJJ, should hopefully be enough to start building a really nice, lean chest within a few months. We’ll see how I do this week.

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