From Scratch

So, good news and bad news: The good news is we figured out how to turn the Breakout clone into a working game and got a start screen created. The bad news is my team members couldn’t get my version of the game working (there were Unity version conflicts), so Joo An created the game from scratch, not using any of my code. I still have some things I can integrate, like my control of the direction and angle of the ball, but I need to figure out how to update my Unity game with the latest GitHub pull. Shouldn’t be an issue though. Now, besides those additions, we mainly need to implement the machine learning and implement an end game screen.

I went to see a Sublime concert this weekend and had a blast. I had forgotten how fun concerts are even if I don’t know every one of the songs. I hadn’t ever heard of the openers and they were great. I’m also really excited to see John Mulaney at the Hollywood Bowl this weekend. I snagged some cheap tickets and I’ve never been there so this is the perfect opportunity.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I love it, but depending on your style, BJJ alone can lead to back problems, as it heavily involves your core, and little back strength. I’ve decided to implement a kettlebell routine which is supposed to be perfect for functional fitness and BJJ. I hope to gain some muscle and trim some fat as well, although it’s not specifically a muscle building regimen.

My #1 issue with working out has always been diet. I’ve been doing BJJ for a little under a year now; I probably could be shredded if I ate clean. I’d love to have abs and a nice chest, even if my arms weren’t particularly big. I also think that shredded look is more sustainable long-term than being especially muscular, at least if you’re starting slim and don’t want to eat 3000 cals every day the rest of your life.

So I’m slowly trying to eat better. Less fast food. Less frozen pizza. Maybe I’ll cut it out fully sometime. But baby steps for now. To see the max benefit of BJJ and my new kettlebell routine, I just need to get in the habit of eating healthier meals. Not to mention, I’m 33 and single. The best time to start eating healthy was definitely yesterday. But the second best time to start eating healthy is definitely today.

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