Welcome to the OSU – Beef Extension Forage Evaluation. This program consists of receiving forage samples for nutritional evaluation, and providing a nutritional recommendation based on forage quality and animal requirements. The goal of this program is help producers with strategies and decisions regarding a key factor within cattle operations – nutritional management.

All forage samples are analyzed in duplicates using wet chemistry procedures to ensure accurate results. However, results are only as good as the sample submitted for analysis! Therefore, follow carefully the guidelines when collecting and submitting your samples.

When samples are ready, please mail them along with the order form to:

  • Beef Forage Evaluation – EOARC; Attn: Juliana Ranches
    • 67826A Hwy 205 | Burns, OR 97720

Forage samples will be received daily. Evaluation results, recommendation report, and supporting documents will be mailed within 3 weeks after samples are received. The price per sample is $ 35.00, and checks should be payable to EOARC-Burns. Please find below an example of a properly filled order form and the corresponding recommendation report:

For questions related to supplementations programs, please consult your nutritionist or OSU Extension Service (for a list of extension faculty, please click here). You can also evaluate and balance diets using the CowCulator. To use the Cowculator, download the software and instructions from the links below:

For questions about the OSU – Beef Extension Forage Evaluation program, please contact Juliana Ranches (juliana.ranches@oregonstate.edu;  941-780-7932).