Steady progress…

At the last post, our group implemented the login and register functions of our Flask web app for the “Crowd Sourced Travel Planner” capstone project. Since then, our group has made leaps and bounds in terms of core functionality. Our current web app has made great strides in implementing the Experience aspect of the project. For instance, logged in users are able to create, update, and delete Experiences into a locally stored database (i.e. SQLite). We decided to stick to SQLite due to its ease of use as it pertains to individual testing of SQLalchemy queries within various routes.

As it pertains to my individual contributions throughout the last sprint, I stuck to the project plan and focused on the landing page portion of the web app. Specifically, I built upon the existing core features by adding personalized recommendations of Experiences to logged in users. For instance, through updates to the User and Experience models, as well as the “landing page” and “account” routes and templates, I was able to implement “Experiences Nearby Me” and “Experience Sorting” functions.

In order to implement the “Experiences Nearby Me” function, I added an additional WTForms text field within the account page to account for a User’s home location. By acquiring the User and Experience’s locations (and corresponding geolocation data), I was able to filter the Experience database in a location-based manner. On the other hand, in order to implement the “Experience Sorting” function, I added an additional WTForms radio field within the account page to allow for toggling of Experience sorting options to either “Recently Added Experiences” or “Top Rated Experiences”.

In total, our capstone group has made great progress so far, with the next week or couple of weeks having a focus on implementing the Trips (i.e. groups of Experiences) model.

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