Blog Post #2

I’m about a quarter of the way through my final quarter at OSU and I could not be more excited. For the first three weeks, I was able to get a few weeks ahead of the modules in CS381. The class has been really interesting and informative so far. I do admit I spent a little too long on the first two labs, but apparently each successive lab gets easier.

Looking at CS467, the first few weeks have been a little slow for our team as our sponsor and lead engineer have been slowly giving us their requirements and access to their repo. We signed the NDA monday of this week and just received access to their github repo today which my team and I will familiarize ourselves with their codebase. Very exciting stuff!

My team will present our functional requirements to them tomorrow morning in which then they would be able to paint us the true picture of what they expect and/or want out of the capstone. Me and my team have been waiting to get started and excited to get to work, despite the time crunch we are under due to starting a little later.

Only issue I see there being is the due dates and requirements of Progress Report #1. The requirements ask for a video of our progress, however, with only 2-3 days between us “starting” after our meeting with the sponsors and the actual due date of the Report, the video will have minimal content. This is something I will bring up to our TA, who has been really understanding, flexible, and great with their communication.

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