
Starting Point

This is the first post in a blog I will be making about my adventures in creating a capstone project for OSU’s Computer Science Capstone Class. I’m excited because this is the last term before I graduate and I’ve been on the journey for awhile now. This is actually the second blog I’ve had to create for a computer science class. If you want a laugh, check out my old blog post from 2020 with my hot takes on artificial intelligence here.

My journey into the world of computer science has been a long and twisting one. My original degree is in history, and I was interested in doing work in museums. I got a job working at a science museum and got involved in running their makerspace. I rediscovered a love for tech and learning new technology that I hadn’t been in tune with since growing up. Looking at my options, and talking with my wife we decided maybe I should go back to school for computer science. I slowly made my way through a CS program at a state university. Eventually life made it important for me to find a program I could do online and that’s when I found the OSU post-bacc ecampus program. It was perfect and would cut time out of my projected graduation date. My program was taking longer than I liked because of the need to take GE classes that the state university would not accept from my original degree. I enrolled at OSU and have been going fulltime as a student since.

I mean, that’s the short version, there’s some other things that happened in there along the way ( I became a CS teacher at a secondary school, more on that later most likely). Anyway the main focus of this blog will be looking at the current part of my journey the Capstone Project.

At this point in the capstone class we’ve entered a survey with which projects we are interested in, and are now waiting to see what project and group we will be with for the term. I’m excited to get started and work on something bigger than past projects I’ve created. I’m going to try posting here weekly to keep you dear reader up to date on the goings on of this epic undertaking in software development. Stay tuned.