week 2 things. . .
October 14th, 2024This week has been exceptionally beautiful. The trees around my neighborhood are very tall and tower over houses, and they’re all golden and red currently. The beauty has made working and walking outside easier, and the two end up blending together in a very productive way. I’ve had my best ideas this last week while walking.
The team is falling into a rhythm and I feel very confident about our beginning. We ask a lot of questions to one another and are open to ideas. This week we spent a lot of time on our project plan, and much of our discussion has been about AI and how to properly utilize AI in our project while keeping the user’s experience consistent.
Because our app will compare 2 products, we need to find a way to deliver product information about the 2 while maintaining cohesiveness and relevance. Web scraping can be hit or miss, and while I’ve had a great experience with Beautiful Soup, fine tuning the results requires finesse.
I look forward to writing our first progress report this coming week. More to come soon. Happy mid October, everyone!