Category: Capstone Project

  • Capstone: Learnings So far

    As Winter Term of my Senior capstone at Oregon State University comes to a close, I would like to review many of the great things I’ve had the opportunity to learn, whether on the technical side or while collaborating with my teammates. Below are 10 different things I’ve learned while working on the project so…

  • Capstone: Technology Review

    Introduction My team’s capstone project is an industry one, so we had a tech stack that was mostly decided for us already. However, it turned out to be pretty great! We all had some new things to learn, but it has been an exciting opportunity for growth and skill building. Here are some examples of…

  • Clean Code: A Brief investigation

    One of the most important aspects of coding is making sure that others can easily read and understand your code. That way, they can use what you have created and make changes to it in the future. In a team setting, such as our capstone course, it is especially critical to encourage and enforce clean…

  • Design System Thinking: A Journey

    When I first learned to make basic websites with HTML and CSS, the way I thought of UI design was much different than I do now. Back then, I mainly treated every element that needed to be styled like its own special case and did not plan ahead much in terms of scale or future…

  • tips on staying productive with multiple CS courses

    Many of us are facing large workloads (taking multiple Computer Science courses, working, taking care of things at home, etc.) So how can we stay efficient and organized when times get busy? First, a quick disclaimer: These simple tips may be something that only relate to my specific working style, but I’m hoping that since…

  • Introduction

    Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to look at my new blog! Here, I’ll be mainly sharing insights of Oregon State University’s Senior Capstone Project. In addition, I may include details of various projects I’ve had the opportunity to work on and some coding tips+tricks. But first, here is some more background about myself:…