Category: Uncategorized

  • Git Tricks

    Git is confusing af. There I said it. In my brief experience using developer tools so far it’s one of the most clunky (albeit powerful) tools out there for software development and something we all have to learn how to use. Throughout the course of our capstone project I’ve come across a few tricks/hacks that…

  • Automating Workflows

    As part of my team’s development environment, I set up a CI pipeline for our repo. CI or Continuous Integration is a devops practice where developers often merge their code to trunk of the repository. Since commits are made often, it’s important to determine whether or not new features or code pass the application’s integration…

  • Pre-Commit Hooks

    Dev tooling has come a long way over the last couple of years since I started this program. In our capstone project I recently set up a series of pre-commit hooks for increasing the quality of our code before sending it in to review. The goal was to enforce code style, linting rules, and branch…

  • First Week! Capstone- beginning of the end

    Wow can’t believe my journey here is heading to an end. Only just two more classes to finish up before December! Time seems to really fly past when you’re immersed in something right? It seems like just yesterday (Jan 2021) that I made the decision to start at OSU. There certainly have been some ups…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!