Don’t forget that tonight is our last club meeting for the term! 

We are not meeting at our normal time, but instead are showing Rick & Morty from 7-9 pm (on the roof of Weniger, if the weather holds), eating pizza, and relaxing before finals!

Dress warmly and swing by!

Welcome back to classes and astronomy! We hope that you’re excited for night observations and other events this term! The first event for the club is actually tomorrow evening from 5-8 pm in WNGR 379. This will be a social gathering with pizza and games to unveil the astro club’s new shared space with the society of physics students (SPS) and Physicists for Inclusion in Science (PhIS). 

This shared space will house the extensive library that the astro club has acquired, which members will be able to check out books from, and it will be open for all members to use during the day to study, no matter what your major is.

Spring open house will be on June 7th from 8:30-11pm! Drop by Weniger hall for fun astronomy-related activities, an astrophotography display, and more! Be sure to check out the rooftop, where we’ll have several telescopes set up for night-time observations!

Thank you to all who came to our open house this last Friday!!

It was a huge success! More people came than we anticipated, and we were able to raise a lot of money to help further club activities.

Considering this was our first attempt at hosting an event such as this, we couldn’t have asked for more. We will definitely be hosting more events like this in the future!