Knewton’s pioneering approach draws on a student’s own history, what other students do, and decades of research into how people learn to improve future learning experiences. With Knewton, meet each student where they are and lead them to their own best path through the material. Knewton can work with many subjects, age groups, languages, and pedagogical approaches. (Drawn from the Knewton Website. Note: Knewton was formerly known as Flatworld.)

To learn more, visit the Knewton website and view the recorded demo.

Waymaker keeps the person in personalized learning. How does it work? We start with the premise that all students are capable of great learning when they have an educational environment that fits their needs. This learning environment is not about replacing faculty with machines, algorithms or data dashboards.

Rather than offering a “personalized” experience where a system makes decisions on the learner’s behalf, Waymaker gives students visibility into the learning process and asks them to reflect on where they are and make decisions for themselves using that information. Waymaker also creates efficiencies for instructors to help them identify and reach out to students to provide help and encouragement when and where needed. (Information drawn from the Lumen Learning Waymaker website.)

Learn more at the Waymaker webpage and by viewing the recorded demo.

MacMillan Learning Curve puts “testing to learn” into action. Based on research, LearningCurve really works: Game-like quizzing motivates students and adapts to their needs based on their performance. It is the perfect tool to get them to engage before class, and review after! Additional reporting tools and metrics help teachers get a handle on what their class knows and doesn’t know. View the disciplines/courses supported by LeearningCurve. View the 25 principles of learning (developed by Art Graesser at the University of Memphis) that Rachel Losh referred to in her presentation. (Information drawn from the MacMillan LearningCurve website and provided by Rachel Losh.)

To learn more, visit the LearningCurve Website and view the recorded demo.

The CogBooks advanced adaptive learning system recognises that students have personal education needs and matches course content to them individually. Our approach helps them learn faster and more effectively. It’s better for students, and better for teachers, making more effective use of everyone’s time. And it keeps adapting and learning to continually improve. (Information drawn from the CogBooks Product webpage.)

To learn more visit the CogBooks website and view the recorded demo.

Acrobatiq is born out of Carnegie Mellon University’s long history of excellence in cognitive science, human-computer interaction, and software engineering. We are privileged to build upon the success of CMU’s Open Learning Initiative (OLI), a pioneer in online learning, and the broader CMU community of researchers, educators, and scientists.  OLI’s work in the science of learning and proven results have laid the foundation for our work.

At Acrobatiq, with the backing of Carnegie Mellon, we will continue to focus on evidence-based course design and strong collaborations with university researchers – which we believe are fundamental to developing learner-centric products and services that are aligned with the needs of higher education. (Information drawn from the Acrobatiq About Us Webpage.)

To learn more about Acrobatiq, please visit their website and view the recorded demo.

Brightspace LeaP is an adaptive learning engine that personalizes the learning experience by providing the right content and the right questions at the right time. By checking what learners already know and automatically recommending new content to fill knowledge gaps, Brightspace LeaP creates individualized learning paths to help each learner succeed in their own way. (Information provided by Brightspace LeaP.)

For more information, please visit the LeaP website and view the recorded demo.