official-icons-45_0011_OSU-OrangeAdaptive Learning Open House

Save the date! Mark your calendars for the upcoming Adaptive Learning Open House, May 9 and 10, in the MU Horizon Room.

Leading providers of adaptive and personalized learning platforms have been invited to campus for an Adaptive Learning Open House on May 9 and 10 in the MU Horizon Room. The detailed schedule is being finalized, but please mark your calendars to save these dates. You’ll have opportunities to see provider demos, talk one-on-one with providers, and attend a luncheon and panel discussion about what the future might hold for adaptive learning at OSU.

What is Adaptive and Personalized Learning?

Basically, adaptive learning providers offer tools that develop personalized learning paths intended to help students learn and master course material. Those pathways are determined based on how students interact with digital courseware and adjust to student needs as they work through the content. Some platforms come with content-rich courseware, others come with starter content and the capability to add more, and others are platform-only, allowing instructors to create personalized learning paths entirely with their own course materials.  Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know about Personalized Learning is a helpful introductory resource.

What is the purpose of the Adaptive Learning Open House at OSU?

In short, to learn more about adaptive and personalized learning tools and to explore the possibilities for teaching and learning at OSU. Your feedback is needed as we consider these questions:

  • To what extent do adaptive learning platforms improve student success?
  • Can adaptive learning platforms help instructors spend less time on rote teaching tasks and more time on higher-impact interactions with students?
  • Do we want to use this kind of teaching and learning technology at OSU, and if so, what is the best way to proceed?

A more detailed schedule will be distributed in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more details to come. Questions? Email


Lois Brooks, Vice Provost for Information Services and Chief Information Officer

Dave King, Associate Provost, Outreach and Engagement

Susana Rivera-Mills, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies


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