The Underrated Job Perk

As of Dec 2020, I started my first remote job as a Software Engineer at a fintech company located in San Diego. As we were all working remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline to return the office was pushed back many times. After several months of this, the company decided to finally enact a permanent work-from-home policy. The numbers showed that employee productivity had increased and the company had record breaking profits each year. Additionally, the company was able to hire talent from throughout the entire nation.

After working my first remote job, I don’t think I could ever work in the office again. My previous job, I worked as a junior web developer where I had to commute 2 hours and 30 minutes one way through Los Angeles traffic. This easily totaled 5-6 hours of sitting in a car each weekday. I felt my soul leaving my body as I became a drone driving in a vehicle a quarter of the day. Not to be negative but I wanted to provide a perspective as to why remote work is such an underrated perk.

No longer commuting means that I wake up at 7:50am, roll out of bed, walk 20 steps to the kitchen and whip up a quick double-shot of espresso and make my way towards my work station in the living room. No more commuting 5 hours day. No more needing to get settled in the office. I can just start working right away. Not only has my happiness increased but so has my work productivity. I’ve been flying through tickets! Happy employees get the job done.

Also, my favorite perk: as I’ve gotten older I’ve always felt the need to take a midday nap. Working from home, I can easily walk over to the bedroom and take a quick 30 minute nap during my 1 hour lunch.

In conclusion, working remotely has changed my life. If I were to compare two job offers in my future career: one with a slightly higher salary but requires to be in the office, or one where the salary is slightly lower and allows remote work, I would definitely choose the latter.

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