Job Application Experiences

The last job I applied for was three years ago, where I was interviewing to be a daycare assistant. The job that I had applied for was for a Christian Preschool, that was located inside a wing of a large church. After locating the church, I was able to find the woman in charge, and she brought me to a quiet room where two other women were also present to ask me questions. Each of the three women there came off very friendly, and kind, which I took notice of right away. When it came to the questions, they asked me some locational questions first to ensure that I would be able to travel to work each day. Once I relayed that I was living in Corvallis, and that getting to work wouldn’t be an issue, they moved on to situational questions. An example of a question that they asked me was, “If a child at our daycare center were to have a minor wound, what steps would you take to help them?” The three women continued to ask me questions that revolved around what my reaction would be to certain behavioral issues, and situations that would be high-stress. Each of the ladies maintained a calm and warm attitude as I gave each of my answers. At the end of the interview, the woman in charge asked me if I had any questions for them. I mentioned that I am a college student, and that I was looking for an employer who could work with my schedule each term. She explained that they enjoy hiring college students, and that this wouldn’t be a problem if they decided to hire me. Then, each of the women thanked me for coming in, and said that they would reach out to me soon regarding if I got the job.

The way that I was interviewed for this job opening made me confident that this was a place I wanted to work for. I was happy to see kind people, who were warm and inviting of my commentary during the interview process. Because I was seeking a daycare position, it made me feel good, knowing that the questions were catered towards what I would do in situations I would find myself in on a day to day basis. This showed me that the women asking me questions were looking out for the children, and wanted to make sure that I had sound judgement. By asking me if I had questions for them, I knew that the woman in charge wanted to make sure that if I were to get the job, that I had enough information. At the end, I’m glad that they didn’t offer me the job right away. This proved to me that the position I applied for was highly sought after, which shows that it was an attractive job to have. It also gave me time to go over the interview and make sure that I actually wanted to work there. They did end up offering me the position a couple days later, and I’ve had a good experience working there for the last three years.


One response to “Job Application Experiences”

  1. Trent Toney Avatar
    Trent Toney

    That’s a great experience to have during college, and you seem like you met the responsibilities of the job very well! I can relate to that sort of questioning from a panel in my fire interviews; they ask me situational questions in high stress simulations to see how I would handle them. I like how you felt satisfaction from their warmth but also care for providing a good service; to me it shows your heart was in the right place and also you were prepared to give the job your very best.

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