I have obtained knowledge from this course and through contributing to Wikipedia over the last few months. The readings and exploring Wikipedia more in depth has given me more insight to how systems are in play that marginalize many. These systems of oppression not only harm and violate women’s basic human rights, they impair the livelihood of social locations not deemed as normal or desirable. If you are a white, hetero, able-bodied, middle-class, gender conforming man you hit the genetic $jackpot$. However, we know that the world’s population is incredibly more diverse than that.
Learning more in detail about these infrastructures I will now be able to navigate them differently. When regarding politics I will be sure to vote carefully. To be supportive of candidates that value intersectional approaches to solve issues at hand with everyone’s best interests in mind. Another way I will continue you create change via institutions is to contribute donations and time to organizations that work very hard to dismantle biogot ideals. Organizations such as Planned Parenthood.
In a more at home approach I am now more mindful of ways institutions in place oppress not only women but people of color, with disabilities, and the people of the LGBTQI+ community. With this knowledge I can be more understanding and challenge these unjust notions by being more of an ally to all.
Working with Wikipedia was more tedious than I initially thought it would be. However, over time it became easier to navigate. I learned that contributions from many editors can create impressing and educational works. Overall, I enjoyed learning how to contribute to Wikipedia. It felt good to be adding small tidbits here are there to a much bigger project.