Category Archives: Gender Lens

Week 9

Overall, this project went smoother and easier than our first project. I had some trouble finding enough information at times, which is my fault for waiting to choose a topic and all the good ones were gone! I have a problem with procrastinating, as you can tell with how close to the deadline I am uploading my project. However, this project went really well in my opinion and I am looking forward to seeing what the outcome is!

I think this product has great recycling options. For Magellan devices, you can just send in your device and they will properly dispose of it for you, which I think is pretty cool. I think that the whole debate about whether a female or male voice is more soothing is crazy and I wish the device could be produced in a less gender-specific way.

Week 8

Overall, I’ve had an easier time with this project than I did with the Cultural Research. After being more experienced with finding information, citing sources, and this website in general, I had a better time writing my paper and posting it into WordPress. I am currently still editing my work and uploading it into its specific pages. However I do have everything all set up to just copy and paste so I am currently finishing that up right now.

This project has opened my eyes to the history and development of the auto GPS navigation device. I had never really thought about where this device came from before starting be research for this project. GPS is something that we all can take advantage of and something that we often forget is so incredible! Now, having all this new knowledge, I will never think the same about GPS.

Week 7

This week I have chosen to do my Gender Lens project on theĀ Auto GPS navigation device. I chose this because I was able to find a good amount of information at first glance, which will hopefully help me to write my project. These have been around for about 15 years and they have made travel a whole lot easier. My research this week has been going well. I have yet to meet with a librarian yet, but it is on my To Do list for this week. However, I did try the online Answerland again just for fun and got the same delayed and not very helpful answers. I plan on finding more information this week when I head to the library and as I continue searching for articles on the web. The bibliography tool I use is called, which helps generate the citations as well as sort them into order. However, I have to tweak them a little bit for
the APA format, as it only does MLA for free.