Life Hacks / Stress Management

To be honest, this is by far the hardest term for me. I have always been trying to handle the stress and overcome it with small but effective ways, such as making myself a coffee, or eating, walking, even just closing my eyes for a moment to clear my mind. Those were extremely helpful to me while I was trying to get my thoughts together, and have a clearer mind. This term, even those small things that made me happy, are no longer that efficient.

I have been struggling with my time management a lot recently. Due to the assignments, workloads, all of the aspects that are keeping me busy, I lost the perception of time and started to feel anxious even about the small things. Later I found out that what I was facing was “cognitive switch”. My mind was constantly redirecting from one subject to another. That is when I developed a process where I could clear my mind and even focus better to what I do. This method actually started helping me, and made me feel more confident about what I am currently doing at that time.

The method I am using is a way to trick my mind even though things are blurry and unclear, but still my mind actually believes the words I am saying, which is I tell myself this is easy, and I will be over with it in a short amount of time. Even though things could get complex, I keep saying this sentence to myself, so that somehow, it starts feeling like it’s easy, and I can hyper focus what I am doing at that time. With this way, I am barely getting stuck at what I do, and feels like my confidence is just improving. I believe this could be a trick for anyone wants to try a different method rather than the current ones in use. Hope this helps for anyone struggling with the same concepts!

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