Current CS interests

As I get to learn more about the computer science, there are two areas that caught my attention and fascinated me. The first one is the machine learning, and the other one is the cloud development.

Machine Learning is one of the most crucial topics of the computer science field, and it’s related with the algorithms and statistical models which makes computers to perform at their highest along with given specific tasks without the explicit instructions. Those systems are learning from the providable data and makes the predictions out of it. There are lots of examples in this field such as the autonomous cars for example, and it continues to evolve.

On the other hand, the cloud development is what made me interested about the computer science in general. The cloud computing environments are responsible with the design, deployment, maintenance, and the development of the applications as the businesses transfer their local data and find their solutions in the cloud-based data. The demand for the cloud applications is at it’s highest, and the topics included in it is making me feel excited about it. There are plenty of technologies such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform where developers can build their applications, deploy them and manage them easily from the cloud based platforms.

In my further journey in the computer science field, I would like to learn more about those topics. I am truly excited about improving myself on those fields to create innovative ideas for the technological industry.