2. Trends

Many of the world’s richest women have inherited their wealth, like Alice and Christy Walton of Wal-Mart fortune or Laurene Jobs, the widow of Apple visionary Steve Jobs. But then there are women like Zhou Qunfei who have put their heart and soul into building empires and making their own fortune. Zhou is the top of a list of self made billionaire women, a list on which two thirds of the subjects are from China.

It’s no surprise that China has many self made female billionaires. China’s wealth has increased exponentially in the last two decades, likely correlating with the rise of technology manufacturing. An infographic shown here demonstrates the many, many things made in China. For example, China manufactures 90% of the world’s computers and 70% of cell phones. (Schiavenza, 2013) China dominates the global manufacturing market, with women right alongside men.

In an interview with another Chinese tech woman, Jane Jie Sun, she gives a bit of insight to why so many Chinese women have become part of this world: They were simply expected to work.

Sun goes on to explain that in her generation (the post Mao generation), Chinese girls grew up expecting to work, as well as maintain a domestic role in the homes. (Riley, 2014)  She also mentions that this generation has seen the tech world grow rapidly, which has allowed women like her and Zhou Qunfei to have built the careers they have now.