The Project Nears an End.

The Cultural Research project has been extremely challenging. While I’ve had a good time learning about such an amazing, fascinating, inspiring woman, I’ve realized that maybe she wasn’t a good choice for this project. Zhou Qunfei’s story is one of economic success, not necessarily one of a woman rising to the top of the game in a STEM field. She heavily involved in the tech world, but only the products she manufactures. She is a businesswoman through and though. I’ve found myself getting stressed out many times while writing the paper and trying to follow the instructions because of this.

For example, the “trends” and “technology” sections were particularly difficult due to having little material to work with in this topic. Additionally, Zhou is a fairly unknown person in the media. There were few articles written on her and most provided me with the same details over and over. She is private and didn’t become a person of interest until within the last few years. It was hard to find information on her.

But all in all, I’ve honestly loved what I’ve learned about Zhou Qunfei. I regret not choosing a subject with more readily available information, but I’m glad I got the opportunity to learn about someone completely new to me.

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