The Cultural Research Work

This project has been pretty challenging. I’ve stopped and started working on it so many times in the last week and it’s still not even close to being done! I’ve completed bits and pieces along the way, bookmarked all my sources, I added the incomplete subpages just now, and the rest of the weekend will be dedicated to completing the research and citing all my sources.

The challenging parts for me have been finding enough information about Zhou Qunfei. As I mention in my paper, she is a rather private person so information about her is sparse and it’s more common to simply come across the same information about her over and over again. Frustrating.

But I’ve put together a decent amount of information about her and I’m still searching for more. Also, it’s unusually difficult to find information about the specific technology she manufactures. She’s more of a businesswoman that a technologist, so that’s a bit tricky to work with.

It’s a work in progress though and I know it’ll be something I’m proud of once it’s finally complete.

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