Research Week Four

It’s been many years since I’ve gone to a librarian for specific research help. I decided to go to the library at Lane Community College for this assignment since I live in Eugene and am most familiar with their library.

My experience was initially not really productive towards the project itself. I asked one of the librarians about tips on how to find good peer reviewed articles or interviews with specific people. She directed me to LCC’s library website that lists various resources for research and also a function that allows you to have online chats with librarians to help you with online navigation. This intrigued me quite a bit so after I was done talking with her, I went home and tested out the chat function.

My fear with the chat function was that it would be automated responses from a chatbot. I still probably don’t know if the person on the other end was real or not, but he did guide me to the “business” section of a research database so that I could go from there and find information I needed. I was so excited to have found many articles regarding Zhou Qunfei and her business.

In retrospect, I could have done the same thing using OSU’s library, but since I don’t live in Corvallis and am dual enrolled in LCC, I went with what was most familiar to me.

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