Family History

My name is Aleah Goodman, I am currently living in Corvallis, Oregon and this is my first term of the CSSA program. I am a Senior on the Oregon State Women’s basketball team. I was able to finish my undergrad in Human Development and Family Sciences in three years and decided to start my masters in the CSSA program my final year. Basketball and School make up the majority of my time but when I am not doing school work or in the gym I like to spend time with my friends and family. I also have enjoyed watching Criminal Minds when I do watch tv. 

I was born and raised in Oregon moving only twice between Canby and Oregon City, although I went to High School in Milwaukie at La Salle High School. My dad was also born and raised in Oregon and went to Barlow High School, while my mom was raised in Idaho in a very small town, Weiser, where my grandparents still live. My parents met at George Fox University where my dad played baseball and my mom played volleyball. They met in their writing class. They have been married for 30 years on June 1st. They have five kids and two granddaughters.  My oldest sisters are twins and 27 years old, one is married with two daughters and the other is engaged, but Covid-19 has moved to her wedding back. My next oldest sister, is 23 years old and graduated from Grand Canyon University in December 2018. I am the next sibling, at 22 years old, the youngest of the girls but overall the second youngest. My little brother is 5 and in Kindergarten, he is very smart and loves playing sports. My parents have given my siblings and I an amazing life and we have been extremely fortunate. My dad is one of the most hardworking individuals I have ever met and I have been blessed to watch and learn from him and his work ethic for the last 22 years, he is easily my best friend and biggest supporter through everything. My mom is an angel and probably the most caring and sweetest individual I know. I would say my sisters are much more like my mom while I am much more similar to my dad. We are both extremely competitive in everything we do. My parents have always preached to my siblings and I to treat everyone as equals and with love and kindness. My mom has a servants heart and I think that is something that has been passed down to all my siblings and I. We love having the opportunity to help others and I think that is why I wanted to study human development and family sciences and then move on to getting a masters in CSSA because it provides me with an opportunity to push myself to be better but also help others grown within themselves as well as out of their comfort zone. 


Above is a picture of my family, from 2017. These are my people and are the reason I am who I am. They have had such an influence in my life and are my inspiration.


Above is a photo of my nieces, The older one is Maci she is four and the younger one is Blakely she is one. I added a photo of them because they bring so much joy to my life and are two of the sweetest girls. I love being their auntie. 


I also decided to add a photo of my basketball team. These girls have become my home away from home and I consider them all family. I see them all almost everyday and they never fail to make me laugh. 

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