Critical Reflection

Sports have taught me a lot about myself and my leadership style, but these activities throughout this course and readings were extremely helpful because it made me look more in-depth at myself and why I am the way I am. I have always known my parents played a big role in that but I think I have also picked up a lot of things on my own as I have lived by myself. I have become much more independent and I think that also plays a role in my leadership style. Being independent and confident in who I am, allows me to speak up in hard times and lead. I am someone who is used to stepping into a leadership role when others do not want to. I take on the hard moments and bring the group together. I also know that as a female I can break down the barriers of being a female leader and that we are not always supposed to have a big voice. I have had the opportunity to lead many different people, I would not say my personality is loud or really even bold but I have a way of attracting people towards me. I speak in important times but I also know the value of leading by example, if you are not holding yourself to a high standard and doing it yourself, your voice will not be effective. These activities have really taught me the importance of knowing myself and being confident in myself but also giving myself grace at times. Knowing that I still have a lot to learn and pushing myself to be better and learn more. This course has pushed me to grow as a person and a leader, grow in ways that I never knew I needed. Our readings and discussions have forced me to push myself out of my comfort zone and learn more not only about myself but about others. One thing that I have really benefitted from was learning about groups and people that I do not know a lot about and it has taught me to be much more understanding. This class has helped me find a love for research and wanting to learn more about myself as well as others, it has pushed me out of my comfort zone, pushed me to have difficult conversations but conversations that were so important and so needed.

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