Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog #4

    Hello fellow engineers! Good progress on the project so far. Eventhough there were some issues that occured, I felt like there were times were we needed to be able figure out on my own. When approaching an issue I like to use google to look up documentation. I also use youtube videos to help understand…

  • Blog #2

    Hello! We choose the current technology of Node.js Javascript and MongoDB because we are familiar with those technologies and would like to broaden our knowledge with it. There are plentiful of resources out online where are able to search how to do certain things when needed. We have the MongoDB for the database, Express and…

  • Introduction

    Hello Everyone! I am a chemical engineer in that has been working in the pharmaceutical world for quite sometime. I began my journey through this program because I’ve developed an interest in coding after working as an automation engineer for pharmaceutical companies. A lot of their systems involve “no-code” to drive the process control. But…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!