Category: Uncategorized

  • The SWOT of 467

    So far in this course I would say that my biggest success in this course is becoming more experienced with a shared project, learning to merge, work in parallel, and share ideas with the other group members. A big breakthrough that I had was that it’s extremely valuable to split processes for the programming into…

  • Personal Pros and Cons of AI Usage.

    The opening question of “How are you using AI in your project (or another one)? What are some pros and cons? Has it made you a better programmer?”, for me is interesting. I started my programming journey with no ChatGPT/AI to help me and I am very glad that these tools weren’t readily available at…

  • First Post

    As this is my first blog post I’ll make this a general post about how I got to the position I’m at today and the journey I made. I started my college career with a Psychology degree program at CU Boulder. After two years here due to grades and cost I transferred to the University…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!