Site Observation Expectations

Some observations will be of formal instruction (classroom) and other will be informal (mechanics, facilities, laboratories, etc.) instruction. For each observation, please allow ½ hour prior to and 1 hour immediately following for discussion and reflection with your university supervisor.

Student Teacher

  1. Have instructional (lesson) plans ready for review upon the university supervisor’s arrival.
  2. Be prepared to explain the instructional objectives for the lessons/laboratories being taught and how the instructional objectives will be accomplished.
  3. Participate in a feedback conference with the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.
  4. Upload lessons to Taskstream to trigger observations from your cooperating teacher and university supervisor.
  5. Make sure that you have an updated notebook available for review by your university supervisor. This should include
  • Updated “Student Teaching Calendar and Checklist”
  • Complete lesson plan for the class being observed
  • Notebook of lesson plans and edTPA portfolio (Electronic or paper copies)
  • Student Teaching Experience Manual with documented progress

Cooperating Teacher

  1. Be present with the university supervisor in the classroom and/or laboratory to observe the student teacher.
  2. Participate in feedback conference with student teacher and university supervisor.
  3. Review and make plans for completing the required university paperwork.
  4. Use Taskstream to submit all required evaluations.
  5. Discuss concerns that might strengthen the student teacher’s preparation program.

University Supervisor

  1. Arrive in time to adequately review instructional plans with student teacher and conduct a pre-conference.
  2. Observe teaching with the intent of providing support, encouragement, and recommendations.
  3. Provide student teacher with objective feedback on the current state of his/her instructional skills.
  4. Analyze the events that occur in the classroom in terms of the objectives for the lesson.
  5. Lead student teacher and the cooperating teacher in a feedback conference.
  6. Assist the student teacher and cooperating teacher in diagnosing and solving instructional problems.
    1. Observations and Evaluations (to be done on TaskStream)
    2. Formal Observations (3-way) (beginning and end of winter term)
    3. Disposition Evaluations
    4. TSPC/Outcomes Summary Form