Evaluating and Grading Teaching Performance

Evaluation instruments serve as a way to communicate the student teacher’s needs and progress. Selected instruments are used to enhance the student teacher’s growth. These evaluation instruments and experiences help the student teacher in determining personal abilities at the beginning of the student teaching internship and throughout the student teaching experience. Evaluation tools identify difficulties preventing progress, help determine progress, and provide feedback to the student teacher.

During the student teaching experience, evaluation and grading will be treated as two separate processes. Evaluation, as stated previously, is an on-going process completed by the student teacher, the cooperating teacher, and the university supervisor.

Formative evaluation instruments should be used by the cooperating teacher and university supervisor to evaluate the progress of the student teacher:

1. Weekly Formative Evaluation of Teaching: This form will be completed 12 times during the student teaching experience (preferably two in the fall and 10 in the spring, but there is flexibility). These items are built on TSPC and INTASC standards and all for formative feedback to the student teacher. This form will be completed 12 times in Taskstream. If you prefer, you can use paper copies for making your observation and enter the scores later.

2. Formative Observation of Teaching – This is an optional instrument developed by the Agricultural Education program at Oregon State University. The instrument is based upon TSPC prescribed teaching competencies. In addition, the evaluation utilizes the procedures in teaching using the Problem-Solving Approach to Teaching agriculture subjects, the Principles of Teaching and Learning (Newcomb, McCracken, & Warmbrod, 1993), and the Effective Teaching Characteristics (Rosenshine & Furst, 1971).

3. Teaching Performance Review (Formative Narrative Observation) – This instrument is one of the most widely used evaluation instruments in the formative evaluation of agriculture teachers (Hedges, 1989).       This instrument has the advantage over checklist rating systems in that it provides teachers with specific details relating to their teaching performance. This approach allows the observer to emphasize a teacher’s strengths, versus weaknesses during the feedback conference. In the end, teachers view this form of evaluation more positive than rating scales.

To use the instrument the observer must construct an image of “ideal teaching” as a basis for evaluation. The “ideal image” of teaching can be constructed from the previous instrument (Formative Observation of Teaching) or by using the Image of Effective Teaching and/or the Principles of Teaching and Learning located on the following pages.

Using the Teaching Performance Review: At the top of the instrument record the preliminary information requested. Make sure that as the observer you are clear on the expected outcome (objective) of the lesson to be observed.

In the LEFT COLUMN (Things That Worked Well) record the events that occurred during the teaching that helped the teacher reach his/her objective for the lesson. During the observation the observer should keep in mind their image of “ideal teaching” and make comments based on that image. Recorded observations may include quotes of the teacher and/or students, specific incidents, and other details regarding the “ideal teaching” image.

In the RIGHT COLUMN (Suggestions / Comments / Questions) record the events that occurred during the teaching that detracted the teacher from reaching the objective(s) of the lesson. In addition, questions to be asked during the feedback conference about the lesson or the teaching should be recorded.   The suggestions, comments, and/or questions should pertain to the observer’s constructed image of “ideal teaching.”

4. Performance Based Student Teaching Evaluation (Three way evaluation form) – This instrument is used by the Agricultural Education program at Oregon State University in compliance with TSPC – prescribed teaching competencies. This instrument will be completed in cooperation between the university supervisor and the cooperating teacher. The university supervisor will conduct six formative evaluations throughout the year with two of the evaluations being a three-way conference between the student teacher, the cooperating teacher, and the university supervisor. This will now be completed in Taskstream

5. Student Teaching Summary Report – This instrument is a summary of the Performance Based Student Teacher Evaluation and will be completed at the end of the student teaching experience. This instrument will be used for recommendation of licensure. It is located in the ‘submitted materials’ section of this binder. This will now be completed in Taskstream.


Feedback Conference

A feedback (evaluation) conference should be held as soon as possible after a teaching experience. At least one daily informal feedback conference between the student teacher and cooperating teacher is recommended. During the feedback conference, the student teacher should be encouraged to evaluate his/her progress. At the conclusion of the conference recommended procedures for improvement of teaching should be agreed upon by the student teacher and the cooperating teacher.