
Progress Report #2

So we’re about halfway through the development phase of our project and things are looking pretty good. We’re definitely on track for completing our project with the goals we set out with. This past week, my project members were able to nicely work through a large chunk of the front-end design and back-end integration. We’re at the point where we just need our database to interact correctly with our app, and we’ll be pretty much done. I spent most of the week transferring over the DB to OSU’s server and adjusting the DDL accordingly, since it was formatted for a different service. After that, I crafted a DML that would generate selects and inserts based off the front-end design. This was done using ChatGPT’s assistance for what types of joins to use to get correct data selection. I also used ChatGPT to assist with rewriting my db-connector since we’re switching from Google cloud services MySQL to MariaDB MySQL. The only actual change that was needed was port, hostname, and login, it essentially functioned the same. I will be making our Progress Report video this week and I will see if AI can help generate a script to hit the primary points and I’ll fill it in with more human language. We’ll see how that goes!

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