Okay, so just like building a house, the foundation for this site is now in place. I plan to talk about my renovation of a house built in 1942 on highway 99. I’m now about 9 months into the adventure and will catch you up on what has taken place so far.
As of January 2009 we are in the middle of a bathroom remodel sparked by a non-functioning tub drain. Oh, and we just decided to get married this summer, too.
The most common question I get is how do I know how to do all this stuff? The answer is that I’m doing research by reading books, searching on the web and talking to lots of other people who have fought with the same particular challenge (of the hour), and it’s all grounded in a healthy dose of being naïve!
If I knew how much work it was going to be, would I do it again? Heck yeah!