Let's Build!

By Travis Lange

Let’s Build! A blog about creating new systems to improve ourselves and our communities.

  • A journey of a thousand bytes beings with a single line of code…>

    At the start of the quarter the thought of building an entire application from start to finish seemed like an unattainable task. From identifying the user stories we’d need to solve to architecting the system to actually delivering a working MVP it felt like we would need at least 6 months to make any realist…

  • Ready -> Set -> GO!

    In case you hadn’t heard, my partner and I will be working to create a mobile application that can be used to enable a low cost smart recycling bin this quarter. I’m excited for this project as it will push both my frontend design and backend architecture skills that I have developed throughout the Oregon…

  • It’s hard to believe it, but the finish line is in sight! In January of 2021 I started the Oregon State program which was my first formal introduction to Computer Science. Prior to starting this program I was working as an account manager and was talking to a friend who was a developer. At the…

Got any book recommendations?