My Journey From Before OSU to Beyond

  • Biggest Success During Capstone

    The biggest success during my capstone was definitely being able to successfully manipulate SQL data via MariaDB/myPHP and iterate through the data to display quiz results (my capstone project is the Software Programming Quiz). This matters because the ticket I was assigned is to be able to display quiz taker’s results, in terms of ranking…

  • Technology in my project

    The project I’m doing with my group right now is the Software Programming Quiz! The technology stack we’re using right now consists of Flask, Python, and MySQL! I think my favorite technology I’m using right now for this project is MySQL, I just took databases prior this quarter and really enjoyed it. Storing data is…

  • My Journey Throughout Computer Science

    Hi! My name is Rebecca, and I got started with computers because of my time throughout COVID. I was originally a surgical nurse and got put throughout a lot of experiences, mostly on the traumatic and terrifying side, as a new graduate nurse throughout COVID that made me re-evaluate what I wanted to do with…

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