
Jan. 25, 2020

Week three contained a holiday (MLK day), thus there was only one day of class. What the lessons of the course revealed is the repetitive nature of the design process. Though sometimes it can seem redundant to record and carry out each step, it is crucial to follow the process. The empathy process is particularly important as it can help save time and money.

A special takeaway from this week is that patience is key. Moving forward I plan to practice patience so that I do not fall into the temptation of skipping steps within the process.


Jan. 20, 2020

The second week of class was crucial in exploring the design process. The process is important when finding direction in design. While some use objectives, these can actually derail the propper progression of a design by limiting it to specified goals.

In class, we have begun our design projects. I am working on Eco-to-go Coffee Cups. One of the challenges I am facing is eliminating my preconceptions of what I want. I have found that a lot of my initial questions for the empathy stage are leading. So I have had to go back and rethink more objective questions even though they may lead away from what my vision is for the design. I think these concessions are important to make in order to produce something that consumers want.


Jan 20, 2020


Jan 12, 2020


Jan. 12, 2020

The first week of class provided a variety of lessons. In regards to design thinking, we learned how involved the design process is. Likewise, we learned how important asking the right questions is. For instance, “why” is a deep diving, crucial question for research. The question “why” can result in answers that can help spark new ideas as well as broaden or narrow the selection of potential avenues.

When designing the consideration of consumer and self is paramount. A personal narrative is key. Considering the narrative of the consumer is also crucial. Going through the process is a dynamic process, each stage is a different space. At every stage, a good design thinker should be ready to be wrong or restart. Understanding that the design process is flexible and not every solution conceived is feasible or solving the problem at hand.